It's Oscar time!

So I missed the live Academy Award nominations this year due to the fact that it's on really early if you live on the West Coast. As a recent transplant I keep forgetting that most events are scheduled for East Coast time and are not live when we see them out west.  A word of advice from all of us out west to those that get to watch things live, STOP POSTING RESULTS ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK BEFORE IT AIRS OUT WEST!

Anyway, that being said, I was pleased with the nominations this year. There was a wide variety of good movies and performances to choose from so the Academy did a fairly good job.  While I am not the avid movie-goer I was back in high school and college, I do have a substantial DVD collection, Comcast cable, and a new Netflix subscription.  Therefore, I am going to use this blog as a method for viewing more movies and jotting down my feelings / reactions to them.  Along the way I plan to discuss awards and other industry goings-on as they happen.

So, in the immediate future, this blog will be about my quest to watch as many of the Oscar nominated movies as I can and write about them from my own unique perspective.  This will all lead up to my predictions for winners announced on March 7.  I might even take other's predictions in some kind of Oscar competition if I can figure out how to do that.

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